Saeed Ghani Castor Oil 50ml


  • can be used externally to treat ringworm and alopecia Beneficial for the care of hair and lashes If applied during the pregnancy, it can prevent stretch marks

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  • Saeed Ghani Castor Oil 50ml
    • can be used externally to treat ringworm and alopecia Beneficial for the care of hair and lashes If applied during the pregnancy, it can prevent stretch marks
    Castor oil is a fixed oil expressed form the seed by cold press. Its active constituent is ricinoleic acid. Due to this substance, it is an excellent laxative that produces no discomfort and is thus efficacious during pregnancy. It is used externally to treat ringworm and alopecia. It is beneficial for the care of hair and lashes. Applied during the pregnancy, it can prevent stretch marks as well.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg


Saeed Ghani


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Saeed Ghani Castor Oil 50ml Saeed Ghani Castor Oil 50ml
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